Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Project 1 - Postmortem Controversy Coverage

1. What genre are you going to commit to for Project 1? Why?

I have decided that I will be formatting my information for this project into a quick reference guide. I think this genre will provide exactly what I would want to give to an audience if they were looking for a simple compilation of facts on a story. I also think this genre will be good for quickly explaining both sides of the story I am covering.

2. What genre conventions from your chosen genre are you planning on developing during next week's Production phase? What do you plan to do with the genre conventions that will help you accomplish the purpose of the project most effectively?

I am really excited to experiment more with how I can work my sharp humor into this story. I feel like this story isn't too heavy or serious and I am going to try to experiment making light of what I can from the events in this controversy. I also plan on using the QRG convention of different sizes of text/boldness to really emphasize the high points and important milestones of this story. I really want it to be easy to read, understand, and recall.

3. How are you feeling about Project 1 going in to the Production phase? What challenges do you anticipate next week as you create content for the project?

I am actually feeling pretty confident with my resources and how I am imagining fitting them into my project. There are so many different factors (historically, economically, politically) that affected the event that I am covering, and I am looking forward to compiling them all together. I know that the hardest part of creating the content will be figuring out how to incorporate humor without forcing it and also making sure it is not sarcastic and volatile.

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