Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Schedule

This post will contain my plans for this pre-production/production week in how I will create my essay.


What is to be done: Introduction of my final essay
Location: Classroom
Planned date & time: Class on Thursday at normal time
Resources required: Laptop
Date completed: Class on Thursday at normal time


What is to be done: 1st body paragraph
Location: Arbol Study Room
Planned date & time: Monday afternoon prior to chapter
Resources required: Laptop

Date completed:


What is to be done: 2nd body paragraph
Location: Arbol Study Room
Planned date & time: Monday afternoon prior to chapter
Resources required: Laptop

Date completed:

Personal Style:

What is to be done: 3rd body paragraph
Location: Arbol Study Room
Planned date & time:Monday afternoon prior to chapter
Resources required: Laptop

Date completed:


What is to be done: Conclusion of my final essay
Location: Classroom
Planned date & time: Tuesday in class normal time
Resources required: Laptop

Date completed:

Revision and Polish:

What is to be done: Revise my essay as a whole
Location: Library or Arbol Study Room
Planned date & time: Friday after Chem final 12-due time
Resources required: Laptop

Date completed:

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