Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

My reflection project will be in essay form and have the following format.


  • My Intro will be a background of how I've encountered other English classes before this and how this one came to be in my schedule. I will capture the reader's attention by using memorable alliterations. This paragraph will contain my feelings about writing in general and how it can and will fit into my possible future career. My main thesis of this paragraph will be leading into how my perception of English classes have changed from this class based on the three main ideas of genre, audience, and my personal style.


  • My first main paragraph will be about genre because that was the first thing I had to decide when producing my writings for this class. So first I will make a brief statement about how I used to perceive genre in writing. Then I will describe specific ways those perceptions were really misconceptions because of the projects from this class. For evidence, I will use examples from each of the projects I have completed in this class. My focus of this paragraph will likely be on project two because that had the most to do with the genre that I will be working with in the future. My examples will demonstrate the wide variety of genres introduced in this class and how simply their presence has affected my opinion with writing genres.
  • My second body paragraph will be on the differences in how I have come to view my audience since I started this class as opposed to my previous audience-related intentions from other english classes I've taken. My evidence will be the same as the last paragraph's, I will be using my specific projects from this class and relating the change I see from previous classes. Again, my examples are proving the changes I see in myself after having taken this class. I see this paragraph being focused more on the first project since I really had to focus to whom I would cater my QRG to, and since stakeholders played a large role in that project and I really want to highlight that presence.
My Personal Style
  • I want the first two paragraphs to be the main summaries of how this class has affected my style of writing and the work that I produce, and then this last paragraph to go into analysis of the actual mechanism I follow to produce work, and how that has changed over the course of the semester. My evidence for this paragraph will be my blog posts and their time stamps of publication and/or their revision. That will be useful near the end of my writing process analysis to see how I function with due dates. So this paragraph will cover my writing process from start to finish and my opinion of why I work this way. I'd like to incorporate that quiz we took at the beginning of the semester that was something like "what kind of writer are you?" and it was like 'the drafter' and 'the thinker' or something like that.
  • Okay so here I'll be wrapping up my thoughts of this semester and how my style has changed in these areas that are my body paragraphs. I will also incorporate how I am actually intending on taking another writing class to fulfill my major, and honestly I am a little afraid for it and other future writings because I feel like this class is sorta a 'diamond-in-the-rough' type of situation when it comes to these types of classes. So yeah, my point of significance is that this really isnt my last writing class Ill ever take, and surely not the last writing project ill do (careers n what not).

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