Sunday, March 6, 2016

Production Schedule

For the week of production, I have a schedule so I can ensure I stay on track and also evaluate myself once I am finished.

What Is To Be Done (yay checklists!)

  • Edit script to its final draft version complete with sections of external content
    • Location: D5 study room y'all
    • Planned Date & Time: Sunday the 6th evening and Monday the 7th afternoon
    • Resources Required: Word doc and interviewee's recordings and project 2 rubric
    • Date Completed: Monday the 7th
    • Changes Made After Completion and Why: I've been editing and changing pretty much until I turned it in. There are always things to change, and some pieces of the script that sound good on paper don't sound good in person.
  • Splice recordings of external content
    • Location: D5 study room forever
    • Planned Date & Time: Thursday the 10th afternoon
    • Resources Required: External content and my laptop and the opinion app
    • Date Completed: Thursday the 10th. 
    • Changes Made After Completion and Why: None. Once I edited my interviewees I just had to find out where to fit them in once I finished my own recordings.
  • Record self
    • Location: My room or a quiet study room
    • Planned Date & Time: Thursday the 10th afternoon
    • Resources Required: My laptop and headphones
    • Date Completed: Thursday the 10th. Again on Thursday the 24th.
    • Changes Made After Completion and Why: My voice sounded horrible the weekend going into spring break because of a cough I had. I also ended up changing my script quite a bit.
  • Splice sequences of audio together into rough podcast format
    • Location: My room or a study room
    • Planned Date & Time: Thursday the 10th afternoon
    • Resources Required: My laptop
    • Date Completed: Saturday the 26th
    • Changes Made After Completion and Why: This was the final date I ended up splicing my spoken audio together because of re-recording.
  • Edit format the add audio effects
    • Location: My room or a study room
    • Planned Date & Time: Thursday the 10th afternoon
    • Resources Required: My laptop
    • Date Completed: Sunday the 27th
    • Changes Made After Completion and Why: I didn't necessarily change the podcast after I finished this part, besides changing the music I was using.
  • Polish
    • Location: My room or a study room
    • Planned Date & Time: Thursday the 10th afternoon
    • Resources Required: My laptop
    • Date Completed: Sunday the 27th
    • Changes Made After Completion and Why: After I finished this step I was finished with the project, so I did not make changes after the completion of polishing.
I took a little bit of a different direction with my outline because I wanted to complete major things at one time, not just my intro at this time and my conclusion on a whole different day. I feel like I can flow a lot better when I devote time to solely focusing myself on production and not drawing it out over a long period of time.

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