Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Production Week

1. Successes of the week.

What really helped me to remain organized with my time was that the blog posts have been more clear and concise and that now the blog posts are all compiled together in one place and I can plan out my time for this week and the next. That being said I think a really big success of this week was the that there was so much room to play with my outline and production schedule it really helped me to convey what I vision my podcast to be.

2. Challenges of the week.

I feel like I am one of the most psychotic planners you will ever meet; I have two physical planners, three online planners, and a checklist that I follow religiously. But for some reason, I actually had a bit of a hard time turning out my production schedule, and I think that is due in part to the fact that I just don't plan that way. I have become so high maintenance with my calendars that I have to see my planned work, not just write it down in a list. I have since translated my production schedule to my language of planning so I hope that I have taken into account everything I need to.

3. How I think next week will go based on my experiences this week.

Honestly, I have hope that this next week will be fine as long as I do follow up with my production schedule.

4. How I am feeling about my project at this point.

I am confident with my project outline up to this point I just need to make sure that I keep my focus on the genres and the writing production and not on the interviewees and even moreso be able to portray that to my audience.

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