Sunday, February 28, 2016

Academic Discourse & Genre


1. Number of different kinds of genres most often published in the latest issue of my journal.

Overall, there seem to be really only two - or three if you want to be really specific - types of genres in this journal.

2. Specific identification of each genre and three examples.

Since JAMA is predominantly a magazine, one could argue that there are really only articles published as the main genre. Classifying that down, this genre could be categorized into three genre subsets: general informational articles ('Cruise Ship Illness Declines', 'Asthma Attacks', 'Researchers Find 3 More Glaucoma-Related Genes'), study designs ('Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis', 'Epidemiology, Patterns of Care, and Morality for Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome', 'The Third International Consensus for Sepsis and Septic Shock') and articles devoted to comment and response (School Based Myopia Prevention Effort, Differences in Institutional Support by Sex, New Sepsis Diagnostic Guidelines Shift Focus to Organ Dysfunction).

3. Definition and purpose of each genre, and their relation to the target audience.

General informational articles are really just a news coverage story. They are a report on the past that tie up every piece of information in their conclusion and did not require research to be put in my the author. Study designs propose theories based on the individual and unique work of the authors. This genre shows the most innovative material because of the research involved. The comment and response articles involve both the author and the audience and are a continuous section from issue to issue.

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