Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

In this peer review, I looked at David's video and Amorah's quick reference guide. I also made reviews for both David's project and Amorah's project.

1. What did you learn about your own project when making these peer reviews?

I learned that you really have to create a project with your audience in mind. You have been creating this project on this one topic for two to three weeks, and have become an expert on all its knowledge, but your reader knows nothing. Your project really has to be made with the reader's position in mind.

2. Top three issues with your draft.

I really am going to step up my game for my final draft as far as following conventions of my genre. Some things you do are not as visible to your audience as they are to you and so you really have to make them dramatic, but eloquent. I am also going to include a little more background on my own project so that my reader is not completely lost when I jump into my controversy. Lastly, this weekend, I will be touching up my draft to really make it sound like my own voice. I think that is something really valuable in a QRG.

3. Top three strengths.

I think, so far in my QRG my voice already seeps through quite a bit. I also think I have followed the convention of different fonts and sizes to illustrate key points well. Last, I am pretty confident with my clarity in who my different stakeholders are. I believe it is easy to tell who is against who in my story.

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