Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

1. Which social networks the interviewees were found on.

I was not able to find Dr. Bailey on any social media websites. I was able to find Dr. Thiel on his personal Facebook, and indirectly on his practice's Twitter page.

2. Description of each interviewee's social media presence.

The fact that I could not find Dr. Bailey on any social networking site tells me that she wants to remain strictly professional, and, if she does have any social media accounts they are personal and want to remain hidden from the public eye. I found Dr. Thiel's personal Facebook page, although most characteristics of his Facebook appear to be on the private setting. From the pictures he has made public, his Faceboook appears to be created for his family and friends, and not his professional self. I also found the twitter page of the practice that Dr. Thiel works for, and although it is not his personal twitter account, it is related to him via his place of employment. The twitter page appears to be for professional purposes only.

3. How the interviewees' presence differs from professional publications to social media persona.

Both of the doctors I am interviewing have very restricted extensions of themselves on social media. I would assert that they are aware of the implications social networks can have on one's career. From the information I have, I can say that, obviously, Dr. Thiel is a real person who lives a real life outside of being a surgeon. His Facebook shows pictures of him and his family (assumedly).

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