Sunday, February 7, 2016

Draft of Project 1

Woo woo! It's that time!

Here is my rough draft for project 1. My format is a quick reference guide, and the controversy I will be covering is the event when CVS Pharmacies rid all tobacco products from their shelves. Surprisingly, this was very recent. Anyway, I'd love any feedback you have on how to make my project more humorous or maybe if there is a different you you would format the look of my project to be more aesthetically pleasing. Either way, your input is appreciated!


  1. Hey, Kathryn. I went ahead and peer reviewed your QRG, it was well done, but do note the comments at the end of the document I link, they explain more about the grade I gave and what I think you should add. Here is the link: Peer Review Document

  2. Hey! I really liked the topic of your QRG and I think you only have to add few more things to make it really great. Feel free to ask me for clarification on my comments. Click here to go to the rubric!

  3. Hey! I really liked the topic of your QRG and here is my graded rubric

    I accidentally linked you to the wrong rubric above so read this one!
