Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

1. Raw overall opinion of my project.

I'm still a little nervous about the feedback I got on my conventions from my peers and what I saw when I looked at the examples. I saw some QRG's had bolded words, and different colored words, and different sized fonts, but many of my peers remarked that my QRG was hard to read under these conditions. As always, I just wish I had more time to do this project. I honestly don't know how much I would really change because I was pretty pleased with what I turned in but I would have liked another round of peer editing. This isn't me asking for more peer editing, though; this is me telling myself to have a more finalized rough draft the next time around.

2. Weaknesses.

I am afraid I have gotten to the point with my project that I have read it so many times that I have now become blind to it. So, I really hope I am getting across the points I would like to make. I think that the biggest fault in my project would be its content to length ratio. I tried to cut down my project as much as I could while still including important information, but I feel like some of the things the rubric required may have taken away from that. So really, I am afraid that my quick reference guide has evolved into a lengthy reference guide.

3. Strengths

I am really comfortable with my tone of voice in this project. I think that I did a good job being fun and playful at the beginning and end while staying professional when reporting on imperative content. My very first rough draft was a little harsh and biting and I really went back through and analyzed what would be appropriate for this genre, and I think thats why I'm really proud of how I think I will portray myself to my reader.

4. Time Management

Well this will be incriminating. Yes, my time management skills for the creation of the first draft of project 1 were under par. I was not nearly prepared for how to handle the amount of blog posts that were required. It was during this beginning time period that I was still learning how to approximate and allot my time for each blog post. As the weeks of project 1 continued on, I have really become better at managing my time and being better at working and staying on task during that designated time. There is still absolutely lots of room to improve, and especially in an area like this. Now, as far as effort goes, I really did put my top quality effort into this. I don't mean to pat myself on the back; I just remember on the first day of class, one of the guidelines was to create projects that you're proud of. This project may have been a lot of trial and error and a definite learning curve but, in the end, I am proud to show the quick reference guide I have created on my controversy.

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