Monday, April 4, 2016

Content Outline

This is a rough draft of how I will be organizing my project 3 video.

  • An opening section
    • My video will have a stinger-like opening where I introduce myself and a little mystery on the topic I will be discussing (something along the lines of working birth control into the subject but not giving it away so my viewers will want to keep watching).
  • At least 3 main body sections
    • My first body section will be the background on Vasalgel and also background on other more traditional types of birth control. I want the feeling of this segment of my video to answer: What is this birth control? Why was it created (What was it created to solve)?
      • Evidence: Vasalgel is a men's birth control that will be released into the market in about two years. It is currently making headlines for its update being tested on rabbits, and having being done so correctly. It is an injection of (polymer? phospholipid?) into the vas deference where the sperm flows, and creates a semi-permeable blockade. It was created actually just as a social experiment and now it has developed into quite a promising product that could mean a lot for the advancement of science and society (gender-equal birth control).
      • What This Evidence Proves: That, in fact, this product was not created necessarily to 'solve' any issue. (Something Ill have to respond to here is "well, why fix what isn't broken? that is a little off topic for now but I will answer with essentially the industry is not broken but could be greatly improved).
      • Important because: I am giving necessary background knowledge and answering basic questions the viewers will inevitably have.
    • My second body section will be all about the reactions to Vasalgel. I want this section to expand on the reactions to Vasalgel and answer the questions: Why is this a good idea? Why is this a bad idea?
      • Evidence: This is a good idea because we are expanding the options for both men and women with the creation of this drug. It will be much cheaper and less invasive in the long run. This is a bad idea because it is not yet proven to be completely reversible (long-term fertility could be affected).
      • What the Evidence Proves: With this I will show, as unbiased as I can be in this section, the straight pros and cons of the drug, in addition to some personal reactions of real people's opinion on Vasalgel. I will be unbiased, but, statistically, there are many more pros.
      • Important because: This will give viewers insight into what the general public thinks about the product.
    • My third body section will be focused on what the introduction of Vasalgel will mean for the future and summing up my personal opinion on what I talked about in my second body paragraph. After I have taken a firm stance I will argue and persuade my audience to side with me.
      • Evidence: This last paragraph will start with the logistics of the birth control coming onto the market, and why that is so important. I will then discuss the role big pharmaceutical companies play when it comes to birth control like this. Having said that, I will be able to easily convert my audience to my opinion about Vasalgel.
      • What the Evidence Proves: In this paragraph, I want to prove that my belief is the only correct one.
      • Important because: This will give the viewers a specific argument to follow and direction of research to continue in.
  • A closing section
    • My closing section will be a wrap up and summary of the vast birth control options that are available and the ever expanding options for men. In my sign off I want to leave my viewer with the feeling that they have gotten enough information about Vasalgel but still intriguing them to research more on which birth control is right for them, so I'll leave some open ended questions and include links to other informational sources (videos, quizzes, ect.). Here I will explain the larger significance of this video as having the purpose of encouraging people to take birth control seriously and find out what is right for them, and also how great of an impact this will have on the scientific community, and also also the positive effect this will have for the equality of men and women in the child-bearing process (that was a weird way of putting that, but there ya go, haha).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kathryn!

    I think you have done a good job on your outline in the sense that you know exactly how you want to structure it in order for it have the greatest effect on your intended audience. However, as someone reading the outline I wish you would have included more specific details regarding your opinions and what makes this a good drug. I believe you did actually mention a potential con with long-term fertility concern and a pro being price effectiveness, but you might need a little more to convince your audience, or at least go a little more into depth. (I'm a crazy detailed outline person though, so take what I say with a grain of salt!).

    You might even try to delve into people's thoughts on having a medical birth control for men. I feel as though birth control is more highly publicized for women, an it would be interesting to perhaps see if there negativity towards this due to birth control commonly being a thing for women. (This could be a potential "con")

    I feel as though you satisfy the rhetorical elements pretty well.

    Overall great job and good luck on the project!
