Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Production Report 8b

In this post I will evaluate my first body paragraph from my outline and my actual script and how I interpreted my outline to make my script.

My first paragraph from my outline
  • My first body section will be the background on Vasalgel and also background on other more traditional types of birth control. I want the feeling of this segment of my video to answer: What is this birth control? Why was it created (What was it created to solve)?
    • Evidence: Vasalgel is a men's birth control that will be released into the market in about two years. It is currently making headlines for its update being tested on rabbits, and having being done so correctly. It is an injection of (polymer? phospholipid?) into the vas deference where the sperm flows, and creates a semi-permeable blockade. It was created actually just as a social experiment and now it has developed into quite a promising product that could mean a lot for the advancement of science and society (gender-equal birth control).
    • What This Evidence Proves: That, in fact, this product was not created necessarily to 'solve' any issue. (Something Ill have to respond to here is "well, why fix what isn't broken? that is a little off topic for now but I will answer with essentially the industry is not broken but could be greatly improved).
    • Important because: I am giving necessary background knowledge and answering basic questions the viewers will inevitably have.

My first paragraph from my script

A popular quote about birth control is “Isn’t it better to unload a gun than to shoot at a bulletproof vest?” What’s this quote mean? Why don’t we have birth control for dudes? Cue Vasalgel. Yes, a birth control for men. Originally developed in 2011 and now making big news in the media because of tests results released that this product is now being tested on rabbits. Successfully.

Huge news for medical community. Huge news for our society – for women, for men, for men and women together.

So, no, this isn’t the first form of birth control that exists for men. Sarcastically They’ve got options! Condoms, a vasectomy (though that’s permanent) the clean sheets pill (for anyone who doesn’t know what that is, the clean sheets pill is a pill that entirely stops the flow of semen. Just cut motion nope. This pill must be taken 2-3 hours prior to sexual intercourse – because guys plan it out like that and is really hard to get your hands on, especially after a survey was conducted on young men in the US, only 20% said they would be interested in this pill. Some said they wouldn’t take the pill because it would be too much of an inconvenience. Really? Really. show pictures of ‘the pill’. What’s worse, is that 20% may not sound like a whole lot, but it’s actually a higher percentage than men who say they use condoms.) So there ya go. The current options for men. (source: MCIP)

For women? The pill, a shot, a patch, a ring, a sponge, a female condom, an IUD. (source: planned parenthood)

That’s why Vasalgel is making waves right now. Vasalgel is the first semipermanent  birth control for men that still has the accessibility to be reversible. So, what is vasalgel? Its just a liquid polymer mixture that is injected into the scrotum area where a man’s vas deferens is. The vas deferens is the channel that brings the sperm from the testicles to the urethera. (source: huffpost) So once vasalgel is injected into this duct, it expands to the diameter creating a blockage. But remember when I mentioned that vasalgel is a polymer mixture? So yes, it creates a dam in the vas deferens but, like a dam it is semipermeable, lets say. So the sperm can still flow through but are rendered sterile because the vasalgel administers a polyelectrolytic effect, where the polymer (a polyelectrolyte) reacts with the biological molecules, the sperm, so that they are no longer able to be useful in the realm of creating offspring.

I focused on answering the questions I had initially thought of in my outline to form how I wrote my script. In this project I really want to focus on informing the audience (besides obviously making my argument). If there was any greater purpose to this project, I would like for my audience to want to learn more about birth control after seeing my video. So I want to keep my style light and fun and upbeat, yet stuff in a lot of content, and make for an exciting, but informative video essay.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie! Here's a peer review based on the content suggestion activity:
    It seems like you're right on point for the criteria for Project 3. This is only a small part but I already feel like I have a good idea of the dance you're going to take and what your argument will be about.
    As far as detail, this seems like a pretty detailed script that you could probably voice over right now and it would be successful.
    You have your sources cited and everything is looking good so far!
