Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Peer Review for Tim Wils

I chose to review the project of a student who is not in my section of the class but who is also intending to produce a video essay.

The name of the title and author for the project you reviewed.

I reviewed Tim Wils' Project 3 Video (currently untitled).

A working hyperlink to the project you reviewed.

An explanation of the peer review activity you selected for the project you reviewed. 

I chose to review the Production Schedule because I wanted to explore how other people were choosing to organize their time with the production phase of this project.

An explanation of how you think you helped the author with your feedback (in other words, how did you help them make their work better?).

I hope I helped Tim's production by giving him advice to plan a lot of time in managing his script production specifically. This was something I was caught off guard by when I was making my podcast, and I anticipate a similar structure for creating my video essay.

An explanation of how you incorporated something from the suggested Student’s Guide readings (or any other course materials, if you’d prefer) into your feedback.

I told Tim it would definitely be in his best interest to explore different technology (I suggested a favorite app of mine) even if he didn't end up using it, I think it is always worth it to explore things to better your skill. This pertained to the medium in which he was producing.

One thing about their work that you admired or think you could learn from.

Tim definitely has a strong hold on his timing and organization for this piece, and I admire how in sync he is with the production of his video.

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