Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Production Report 8a

I will be assessing my progress of the production week by analyzing some rough cuts of content that I have for my video essay so far. I have written my script and I am at the point where I am now inserting the unphysical parts (or more cinematic aspects) of my video.

Content outline Introduction

My video will have a stinger-like opening where I introduce myself and a little mystery on the topic I will be discussing (something along the lines of working birth control into the subject but not giving it away so my viewers will want to keep watching).

Script Introduction

Boy: “You’re not on birth control? Aren’t you afraid of having a child?”
            Slow motion: “aren’t you afraid”
            Hi, I’m Katie Russell, and over the next few minutes I’ll be talking about everything wrong with boys.

Slow motion: Boy: “Single mother”, “get the pill”, “inaudiable male grunting”

            Okay, no. But I would like to discuss everything wrong with this sentence, the mindset behind it, and this new product, Vasalgel, as a possible solution towards the problem that our society has with gendered birth control.

To transform my outline into my script, I just utilized the structure I had in mind, as far as having a stinger leading into a brief introduction of what I intend to talk about. I then added unspoken cues and information that allows me to visualize how the video will look from the audience's perspective.

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