Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Peer Review for Shauna Bratton

Shauna is in my section of class; this is a peer review of her project.

The name of the title and author for the project you reviewed (1 point)

Shauna's project is currently untitled.

A working hyperlink to the project you reviewed (1 point)

Shauna's Research Report

An explanation of the peer review activity you selected for the project you reviewed (1 point)

I chose to review the research report, because it was the second thing I saw on Shauna's blog, and then I also noticed it was incomplete.

An explanation of how you think you helped the author with your feedback (in other words, how did you help them make their work better?) (5 points)

I recommended Shauna to return to her content outline so that she may be able to ask herself more questions to find sources that answer them and thus expand the reaches of her project.

An explanation of how you incorporated something from the suggested Student’s Guide readings (or any other course materials, if you’d prefer) into your feedback (5 points)

Since this document did not have to do with the physical layout of her project I could not comment on any structural topics. Nevertheless, the credibility of the sources she used was something I commented on and commended her for because whether a source is giving true information is critical to one's project.

One thing about their work that you admired or think you could learn from (5 points)

I like how Shauna's project is going to be on a topic that is undoubtedly controversial. For example, my project could be seen from both sides, although I feel strongly about one side. But very often, for Shauna's topic, people get very heated and refuse to see the other side's perspective.

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