Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

I will be attaching my revised version of my project 3 video essay after the second week of post production.

Male Birth Control: Innovative Option or Experimental Hoax?

1. Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know.

Yes the title is long. Yes the video is long. I beg of you, if you take on the task of enduring the whole thing to just listen the points I'm making about why Vasalgel is a step forward for our society; that's what I'm trying to sell you on.

2. Major issues or weaknesses in the “Fine Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)

I'm afraid I drone on too much because I'm trying to give background at the same time as I'm arguing for my side.

3. Major virtues or strengths in the “Fine Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths)

I, personally, like the way I have tied things together, and I feel like the information I present and factors I use are all cohesive. I'm proud of the fact that I used actual quotes from people to present the sides of my argument that I'm trying to touch on.

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