Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12b

This post is about how I changed my second 'body paragraph' video section in my essay from the script version I had in the beginning of the week to the version I had at the end of the week.


1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

This section was definitely more sophisticated from the get-go. I mentioned in my previous editorial report how that was something I was focusing on for my first body section. I changed the quotes I used long before I even recorded, though I think that is still worthy of mentioning. I felt like I couldn't obtain as much of an analyzable reaction from a previous quote I had from Refinery 29 "...How do the choices suck? Wear a _____ condom" to a quote from the same source that exhibited more of the vibe I was trying to get with people who are reacting negatively to the product that said "The point of the story here is that the more safe and effective birth control options that are available, the better" from the author of the article.

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

Again, the organization of this paragraph/section was not a primary concern for me because I really focused on one thing - the reactions of various parts of the public. So, the form was cohesive from start to finish.

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