Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

Below are a list of ten of the sources I will be using in my 3rd project video, along with a description of why I will be using them.

The Huffington Post.

  • Author: Andy Campbell. 
  • Facts: According to his LinkedIn, he has been writing for five and a half years, and the majority of that time has been with The Huffington Post. 
  • Audience: If you click on the article, two things can be observed. The first is that The Huffington Post is a website for serious news (as opposed to popular culture and gossip), and the second is that the article is located in the science section. Thus, the intended audience is people who are interested in serious scientific news. 
  • Purpose: The article is is using hyperlinks and graphic images to inform the audience on the workings of Vasalgel male contraception. 
  • Contextual Details: Campbell cites specific quotes from the producers of Vasalgel and encourages the reader to take a look at other sources and facts about birth control.

Discovery News

  • Author: Anthony Carboni.
  • Facts: Carboni has been creating news videos for the past 13 years. He says most of the things he creates are about science.
  • Audience: The intended audience for this video is definitely the younger generation. I assume this because of the brightly colored background of the set, and the intense animation in voice and movement of Carboni.
  • Purpose: The video talks about the creator of the product and uses pictures to inform the viewer without just narrating the details. 
  • Contextual Details: The information section of the video links five other sources that are not associated with discovery for the audience to explore more. This source was actually published in 2013, but the information given still holds to be true.

Science Alert

  • Author: Fiona MacDonald.
  • Facts: Her LinkedIn profile says that she has worked for four other scientific news stations and that she has been writing for eight years.
  • Audience: The audience of this article is more directed towards those who want serious information on the topic because of the lack of pictures, and is also directed at women because the subtitle of the article is "Finally!".
  • Purpose: Again, the purpose of the article is to inform because of all of the hyperlinks she uses to cite in the article and because of the "Additional Reading" section she puts after the article.
  • Contextual Details: This source is a good fit for my project because it was edited after the update that the product was being tested on rabbits, and because it pinpoints a timeline for how soon the product could be on the market.

  • Author: Hannah Smothers.
  • Facts: Smothers has been writing for four years, and specializes in writing about things dealing with sex and relationships. Her LinkedIn Profile.
  • Audience: The audience for this article is primarily women because of the location I found the article (Cosmo is directed at women), and towards people who may not be so serious about the news and scientific aspect because the subtitle is "This could be the answer to your male birth control prayers."
  • Purpose: This article shows a video to entertain, and uses quotes to inform the reality of this product becoming an option in the near future.
  • Contextual Details: The article uses hyperlinks to ensure it is not just a one-sided story, and includes a comment section to allow people to join in on the debate (a connection to the reactions of real people).
Male Contraception Information Project

  • Author: The article is maintained by the Parsemus Foundation.
  • Facts: The Parsemus Foundation is responsible for creating the product, and the MCIP is a separate but associated organization that exists for informing men about male contraceptive options.
  • Audience: The article is directed at men because the website is directed to inform men, and also refers to how this could change the course of action for men, not women (like the previous sources).
  • Purpose: The article uses hyperlinks and an ongoing updating process (The article was written in 2011) to inform and continue to inform the reader.
  • Contextual Details: This is a good source because it shows the perspective of the product by men for men. It also includes downloadable statistics on the use of male contraception by country.
News Week

  • Author: Jessica Firger.
  • Facts: Firger has written for eight other news stations and has always written about health. She has been writing for 15 years.
  • Audience: The article is directed at audiences who do not want the extra fluff or entertainment of other online articles. The lack of pictures and pathos in this article convey that.
  • Purpose: The purpose is undoubtedly to inform because of the fact that the article was published on the day the product began being tested on animals, and because of the hyperlinks used to relate outside sources.
  • Contextual Details: This article is most directly written in relation to the update that came out about the product being used on rabbits, so I will get a lot of information about the new news. I also chose to use this article because of the presence of facts about pregnancies and the reason the product created in the first place.

Fox News

  • Author: The news anchors are John Brown and Amy Kaufeldt.
  • Facts: Brown has worked as an anchor for five other news stations but has also written his own articles. Kaufeldt has also worked for five other news stations and has been in the news business for the past 19 years.
  • Audience: The audience of this Fox News broadcast is really just anyone who stays updated on the news because this source comes from a general news station that continuously broadcasts to citizens of a certain region. 
  • Purpose: The purpose of this segment is to quickly inform, because the anchors speak quickly in order to educate the audience about all the aspects of this story in four minutes and because of the different external content (both pictures and videos) used.
  • Contextual Details: This is a good fit for my project because I will be able to incorporate the newscast into my video, and because they got a representative from the Parsemus Foundation to speak on behalf of the product.

  • Author: This article is a public release formed by both the companies of EurekAlert and the Parsemus Foundation.
  • Facts: Since this article is more or less advocates of the company posting on a public space, we can assume the article is less biased because it is just a report of results. 
  • Audience: The audience of this article are really those who are interested in the specific details of the testing of the products because of where the article is posted (The description of EurekAlert is "The Global Source For Science News") and because the graph included in the article is taken directly from the tests on the rabbits.
  • Purpose: The article exists to educate the audience on the new options for male contraception because it includes the contact information to get specific questions answered about the product by the producers and because it includes a link to the full case study.
  • Contextual Details: I am using this source because of the credibility it has by including hyperlinks and because the website it was posted on is in direct association with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Parsemus Foundation

  • Author: This is the direct link to the producers of the drug, so there is not one specific author, but is the website of the official campaign for the product.
  • Facts: The website includes a collection of facts, media coverage, history, and infographics.
  • Audience: The audience is most likely men who are visiting the site to explore the basic information of the product because of how intricately everything is broken down and the use of white space to make the page easier to read.
  • Purpose: The purpose of this website is to inform but also to sell the audience on the product because it includes donation sections to help make production happen sooner and because it mentions "affordable pricing".
  • Contextual Details: I wanted to use this website because it really is the main source of information and is the first place that will be updated if any news arises.

Refinery 29
  • Author: Hayley MacMillen
  • Facts: MacMillen is a sex and relationships editor for Refinery 29 and has also worked for four other companies including Global Health Corps.
  • Audience: This article is directed primarily at women because of the direction of the website it is posted on and because the advertisements on the website are also directed at women.
  • Purpose: This article was created to inform, because of the use of an ABC7 news video embedded in the article, but also to entertain because of the use of multiple pictures that do not serve sense in advancing the reader's knowledge about the story.
  • Contextual Details: I want to use this article because it gives me the opportunity to not only cite quotes, but also use the video included in the article.

1 comment:

  1. Hey katie! great start on your research! here's my review
